Short mat bowls, as the name implies is a game played over a much shorter length than the flat green game. Played indoors, the game is played on a carpet (or mat) between 40-45 ft in length and 6ft wide. Players aim to master the basic skills of lawn bowls (line and length) and can use either smaller short mat bowls or standard size bowls.
When our outdoor green is closed (October – March), the club offers its members the opportunity to play short mat bowls in the clubhouse. Roger Gotobed and Kaz Clarke organise the popular short mat evenings and details are publicised in advance of each monthly session. Both experienced and novice bowlers are very welcome.
A typical evening starts at 6.30 pm, with bowling commencing at 7.00 pm. The cost is £3.00 for the evening’s bowling and Guests (non-members) pay an additional £2.00. The bar will be open.

Contact Roger or Kaz for details of sessions this year or ask to be added to the mailing list for regular updates during the winter.